Upgrade of your ESET product has failed

We could not upgrade your legacy product version to the latest possible version. Therefore, you are using a product version that has reached End of Life status and will be disconnected from ESET servers.


What should I do?

Step one

Check the current installation status of your ESET product

Do you have an account with Administrator privileges?
You need an account with Administrator privileges. If you are not an Administrator, you cannot upgrade or uninstall. Contact your system administrator to upgrade.

Is the ESET product working properly after a failed upgrade?
After the failed upgrade, open the main program window to verify the ESET product is working correctly.
If the upgrade failed and the ESET product is not accessible, or the ESET product reports a warning Security alert with multiple messages, proceed to step 2 as soon as possible.


If you need help and would like to contact ESET Technical Support:

The upgrade failed with a {GET_ERROR} error code.


Step three

Install the latest version manually

I have ESET Endpoint Antivirus:

I have ESET Endpoint Security:

For more information, refer to the Install or upgrade ESET Endpoint Security or ESET Endpoint Antivirus on a client workstation Knowledgebase article.

Last updated: July 13, 2023

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